List of Currency

id Country Currency AlphabeticCode NumericCode MinorUnit
381 rÉunion french franc frf 250
380 portugal portuguese escudo pte 620
379 poland zloty plz 616
378 peru sol pes 604
377 peru nuevo sol pen 604
376 peru inti pei 604
375 peru sol peh 604
374 nicaragua cordoba nic 558
373 netherlands antilles netherlands antillean guilder ang 532
372 netherlands netherlands guilder nlg 528
371 mozambique mozambique metical mzm 508
370 mozambique mozambique escudo mze 508
369 monaco french franc frf 250
368 moldova, republic of russian ruble rur 810
367 mexico mexican peso mxp 484
366 mayotte french franc frf 250
365 mauritania ouguiya mro 478
364 martinique french franc frf 250
363 malta maltese pound mtp 470
362 malta maltese lira mtl 470